Diddling Dandy
Ho hum. This AL Easter beats the beginning of the season baseball doldrums by making certain that he has definite oral pleasure lined up for after the game...
Nothing new, sure, but this cutie takes it step further by having his secret sweetie memorize his game schedule so that as soon as the game is over...like clockwork, she should be ready and willing to expect that knock knock knock on her door. Approximately ten minutes later, she bids him adieu and he's out and feeling much better about his team losing a game, or six...or seven...
According to the sweetheart...it may be only ten minutes, but they get muuuuch further than second base.
Nothing new, sure, but this cutie takes it step further by having his secret sweetie memorize his game schedule so that as soon as the game is over...like clockwork, she should be ready and willing to expect that knock knock knock on her door. Approximately ten minutes later, she bids him adieu and he's out and feeling much better about his team losing a game, or six...or seven...
According to the sweetheart...it may be only ten minutes, but they get muuuuch further than second base.